McNeill and Partners is an international investment advisory and management consulting group

McNeill And Partners

Investment Advisor

With over 50 years in the consulting industry

And more than 30 years in Asia

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McNeill and Partners is an investment advisory and management consulting group based in Hong Kong with partners and affiliates based in Singapore, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, USA and the United Kingdom.

The group provides a range of capital advisory, fund raising, and investment services to corporates, institutional investors, and government clients, (not individuals) with an emphasis on strategic and large-scale investment opportunities.

With over 50 years in the consulting industry, and more than 30 years in Asia, McNeill and Partners team of principals and associates provide expertise across a broad range of industry sectors, including essential infrastructure, natural resources, real estate development and management, clean and green energy, information technology, food services, banking, and finance.

For information on investment opportunities, advisory services, or due diligence assignments, contact us on:

“Reputation is the newest capital, invest in it.”
― Nitya Prakash

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